Psychiatric Specialists.

Melbourne ǀ Australia

Evallies is a boutique medical administrative services business that provides facilities and administrative support to independent psychiatrists in Melbourne.

If you are looking for a diagnostic assessment, treatment recommendations, or support through an episode of mental illness, a psychiatrist at our rooms may be able to assist you on your recovery journey.

Our rooms house psychiatrists that specialise in the care of autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, and eating disorders. These psychiatrists provide their own independent mental healthcare services to their clients.


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Some psychiatrists that practice from our rooms offer autism diagnostic assessments. At present, Dr Robert Gillies OAM, a Medical Doctor (MBBS Hons) and Paediatric Psychiatrist (FRANZCP), provides autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis and treatment to his clients. His autism assessments provide a formal diagnosis, a detailed written report, a treatment plan, and recommendations for funding (eg through the NDIS, if applicable). For more information about Dr. Gillies and autism assessments, navigate to the “Autism Assessments” page.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Dr Gillies works as a hospital psychiatrist at The Melbourne Clinic, where he provides inpatient treatment to people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Dr Gillies also provides outpatient (community-based) care to people with OCD through The Evallies Clinic. If you require a diagnostic assessment, treatment, a second opinion, or ongoing care for OCD, you can request an appointment with Dr Gillies to discuss OCD treatment. Please visit the “OCD Support” section of this website for more information.

Child & Youth Psychiatry

Dr Gillies, who holds an Advanced Certificate in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, provides comprehensive mental health assessments to young people. Assessments usually occur over multiple appointments, with the family, young person, and parents reviewed sequentially. A family feedback session and a written report is provided after the assessment, outlining the diagnostic issues, recommended management, and options for further support. This treatment plan is intended for use by the young person’s GP and/or an independent psychologist.

Adult Assessments

Dr Gillies is a certified psychiatrist (FRANZCP) with expertise in diagnosing mental illness, as well as designing evidence-based treatment plans. He provides comprehensive diagnostic assessments to people of all ages, for conditions such as: attention deficit / hyperactivity (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), phobias, anxiety, trauma conditions, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression. If you wish to receive a diagnostic opinion and advice about medications or psychotherapy, have your GP refer you to Dr. Gillies for an assessment.

ADHD Assessments

Dr Gillies is a psychiatrist with expertise in diagnosing ADHD and providing evidence-based treatment to people with ADHD. He provides comprehensive ADHD and medical assessments to people of all ages, including children, adolescents, and adults. If you wish to receive a diagnostic opinion from Dr Gillies and advice about medications or psychotherapy for ADHD, have your GP refer you to Dr Gillies for an ADHD assessment.